![Zelda II: The Adventure of Link](/images/icons/ico_nes.gif) | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link | Nintendo | 8/10 | ![Add Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zelda II: The Adventure of Link](/images/icons/ico_nes.gif) | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Second Opinion) | Nintendo | 7/10 | ![Add Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zelda II: The Adventure of Link](/images/icons/ico_nes.gif) | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Third Opinion) | Nintendo | 8/10 | ![Add Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Aliens vs. Pinball](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Aliens vs. Pinball | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Aliens vs. Pinball to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Balls of Glory Pinball](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Balls of Glory Pinball | Zen | 7/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Balls of Glory Pinball to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Bethesda Pinball](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Bethesda Pinball | Zen | 7/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Bethesda Pinball to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Iron & Steel Pack](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Iron & Steel Pack | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Iron & Steel Pack to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Marvel's Ant-Man | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Marvel's Avengers - Age of Ultron | Zen | 6/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/images/icons/ico_wiiu.jpg) | Zen Pinball 2: Marvel's Avengers - Age of Ultron | Zen | 5/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Marvel's Women of Power | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Marvel](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Portal](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Portal | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Portal to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Rebels](/images/icons/ico_vita.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Rebels | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Rebels to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead](/images/icons/ico_wiiu.jpg) | Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead | Zen | 9/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: The Walking Dead to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 2: Venom](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zen Pinball 2: Venom | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 2: Venom to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zen Pinball 3D](/images/icons/ico-3ds.gif) | Zen Pinball 3D | Zen | 8/10 | ![Add Zen Pinball 3D to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zombie Incident](/images/icons/ico-3ds.gif) | Zombie Incident | CoderChild | 7/10 | ![Add Zombie Incident to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX](/images/icons/ico-3ds.gif) | Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX | Akaoni SL | 8/10 | ![Add Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zombie Vikings](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zombie Vikings | Zoink! | 7/10 | ![Add Zombie Vikings to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner: Mars](/images/icons/ico_ps4.gif) | Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner: Mars | Konami | 8/10 | ![Add Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner: Mars to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zool Redimensioned](/images/icons/ico_pc.gif) | Zool Redimensioned | Secret Mode | 7/10 | ![Add Zool Redimensioned to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |
![Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection](/images/icons/ico_pc.gif) | Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection | XSEED | 7/10 | ![Add Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection to your wishlist](/new/images/ico-add-wishlist.png) |